They said I don’t have endless On the 8th of January this year (2025) I had a laparoscopy which I waited a whole ten years for. I was told by several gynaecologists that they have no...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesLaparoscopyPelvic PainSurgery
Words of wisdom before lap surgery Hello, I’m new to the community and I’m seeking some information and advice. I have been told since I was 16 that I probably have endo and my pcp put...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesLaparoscopyTips & AdviceSurgery
scared to deathI havent posted since 2024, well im scared to death, I already had 2 surgery, with my last surgery being feb 23rd 2023, well my 3rd surgery is scheduled for...Reactions0reactionsComments14 repliesLaparoscopyPelvic PainFlares
Operate or not?Hello community! I wanted to get some opinions from people that have experience with Endo! I am 30 years old and I've always had excruciatingly painful periods with vomiting and...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesTips & AdviceSurgeryLaparoscopy
Frozen pelvisI just had surgery for a bladder sling and hysterectomy and vaginally lift. I had previously had surgery whenmi was 28 to remove a left ovary and part of my...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDiagnosisLaparoscopySurgeryHysterectomy
Post menopausal and diagnosed with a 3.2 cm endometrioma on my ovary. Should I be worried?So the background is, I went to urgent care back in March with stomach pains. Doctor thought it was a ruptured appendix, but sent me for a CT scan to...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesLaparoscopy
Endometriosis Hello everyone, I just wanted to share my story and get some advice maybe at the same time. I just turned 37 and I have always had excruciating pain during...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesSymptomsLaparoscopyFlaresRecurrence
Normal MRI but awaiting surgeryHi guys, I’ve had a laparoscopy over two years ago and got diagnosed with wide spread endometriosis. Recently, I’ve had a relapse in symptoms and I had an mri. The...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesFlaresLaparoscopySurgery
After effects of lap surgery Hello, I suffered for 8/9 years before my doctors finally referred me to have the procedure done to which I was then diagnosed. A year on and the pain is...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesIntimacyLaparoscopySide Effects
Should I find a different specialist?After my laparoscopy I got the diagnosis of endometriosis. When I planned a follow up appointment with my specialist, because I was still in loads of pain, he told me...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesHealthcare TeamLaparoscopyTips & Advice