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Hello everyone,

I just wanted to share my story and get some advice maybe at the same time. I just turned 37 and I have always had excruciating pain during my periods . I was diagnosed with PCOS in my teens and 2 years ago while have a routine ultrasound to check for cysts when they found a large intramural fibroid. While having laparoscopic surgery to remove it, my surgeon found stage 4 endometriosis. May I add I have been on Cerelle for over a decade. I had had almost all the endometriosis symptoms for years but had no idea what it was! When I think how much pain I lived with on a daily basis it still shocks me. Anyway, they got rid of all the endometriosis and told me to continue on the minipill. Recently I’ve started to have pelvic pain again, pain in my ovaries bloating and fatigue. I am still on the pill but I also have some spotting too. Has it returned ?I wonder. I’ve scheduled a doctor appointment to discuss of course. I wanted to ask do any of you experience pain randomly while in treatment? And it’s only been a couple of years can it be back already? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you for reading.

  1. Hi ! I am also struggling with Stage 4 Endometriosis. I was diagnosed in 2020. I have had extremely painful periods since my teens but everyday pelvic pain didn't start until about 2 years before diagnosis. I have been on three different medications and they have helped but with it being Stage 4 unfortunately I still have daily pain. My GYN informed me the pain may be scarred tissue from the laparoscopic surgery and remove of ovarian cysts. Unfortunately there is no cure for Endometriosis, just ways to ease the symptoms. I hope this helps and you get answers to your questions at your appointment.

    1. hi , thank you so much for your support. My appointment is next week so I’m hoping to get some more information. The pain is almost every day now and I just feel tired all the time .

  2. Hi offers some good insight. My daughter had laparoscopic surgery two years ago. She hasn't been in pain, but she has been experiencing more and more discomfort lately. Unfortunately, many people experience a regrowth of tissue after laparoscopic surgery. The rate of regrowth can differ though, and pain isn't really a good guide to how severe it is. Some people have lots of displaced endo tissue with little pain. Others have minimal growth, but the location of it causes lots of pain. It's hard to say whether you are experiencing regrowth, whether scar tissue is the issue or whether your pain comes from ovarian cysts. Here is an article about treatments: It might be helpful to read everything you can about treatment options before your appointment so you have an idea what direction you want to take after talking with your doctor. When is your appointment? I hope you get some answers and some good treatment options. Keep us posted if you don't mind. We'll be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

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