Dealing with Endo During the Holidays (and Other Special Occasions)...It seems that, sometimes, my period has a knack for showing up when it is least expected or wanted. Of course, no day is perfect for having a period, especially...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Finding the Magic with Endometriosis: Part 2...In my previous piece on magic and endometriosis, I wrote about how magic, in particular, the Harry Potter series, helped me through some of my toughest times with the condition...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Best Non-Alcoholic Beverages...Cheers to the holidays! The champagne may be popping and the wine may be flowing, but I’m not interested in derailing all my efforts to avoid a flare. Alcohol creates...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Finding the Magic with Endometriosis: Part 1...As it’s coming up to the most magical time of the year, I thought it was finally the moment to confess to a slightly alternative way I cope with endometriosis...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The First Misdiagnosed Embarrassment...I started to experience my endometriosis pain around the age of 16. The pain became so unbearable that I ended up taking a trip to the ER. My parents were...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Are Pineapples Good or Bad for Endometriosis?...Growing up with debilitating migraines, which were often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, I had a lot of chicken broth and soup. They were easy on my queasy stomach and...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Do We Need to Bid Farewell to Alcohol?..."Wine is good for us." "Alcohol is bad for us." I don’t know about you, but I get confused. Which is it? And do we really have to bid farewell...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Janet Geddis...Janet was previously an advocate on Janet Geddis, also known as The Migraine Girl, is a business owner as well as a longtime migraine patient advocate and essayist at...
Is Goat Milk Considered Dairy-Free?...There are two types of protein found in dairy: casein and whey. Casein tends to be the more inflammatory of the two, and why more people struggle with casein-rich dairy...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Making Recurring ER Trips Easier...When you’re dealing with any sort of chronic illness, the ER can become a place you visit more than you’d like. It can be because of new symptoms, vomiting, or...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
The Invisibility of Pain...Pain can be classified as an “invisible” symptom. Unlike a broken arm in a cast or a bleeding wound, pain cannot be immediately seen. Because of this, it’s possible for...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Avocado: Morning, Noon, and Night...It’s one of the tastiest and most versatile foods in the produce section. You can enjoy avocado morning, noon, and night. Check out these yummy meal options. Morning: Make avocado...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Is Spinach Better Raw or Cooked?...It’s a great debate. Veggies – especially leafy greens like spinach – are super healthy for our body, but will we receive more nutrients if they’re raw versus cooked? There...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Things I Hate About (My Partner) Having Endo...My partner has a pretty good idea of what foods trigger flare-ups of her endo pain and we do our best to avoid these. Unfortunately for me, these are some...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
How to Make Broccoli Taste Better...With the change of seasons, we not only change what we eat, but we can change how we cook foods too. Roasting is one of the best ways to cook...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
How to Steep the Best Cup of Tea...Herbal tea offers many health benefits. Each herb offers unique properties than can support your body with digestion, rest, and reducing inflammation. So how exactly can you prepare the best...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Managing Endo Belly with The Low-FODMAP Diet: Part 1...Gastrointestinal problems are very common in women with endometriosis. Probably two-thirds of patients have intestinal cramping, diarrhea, constipation, or painful bowel movements, Dr. Ken Sinervo, medical director at the Center...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What You Need to Know if You Buy Canned Food...As a nutrition coach, I’m often asked if canned foods are okay to eat. The reality is that fresh is best, plain frozen foods would be next, and then canned...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Treatment help...I just recently got diagnosed this yr. I wanted to know what some of you ladies due to cope with all the pain and other symptoms. I been trying a...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesTreatment
Hysterectomy Questions...I was diagnose this past summer with endometriosis. I had a hysterectomy but i still feel the same. I don't know what else to do. I'm constantly sick I only...Reactions0reactionsComments26 repliesHysterectomy