I’m 30 years old and only got diagnosed with endometriosis in February 24. I was told it’s acute stage 5 and was in my bladder, bowel and pouch Douglas . It was layered off and I was given the mirena coil. The pain I’ve had my whole life has gone but the side effects I have no I genuinely feel are worse. My self esteem is low at times and my self worth is plummeting, the weight gain is atrocious (this ain’t imaginary as the scales don’t lie ) and my migraines are more frequent. But worst of all is the immense fatigue I have daily ! I wake up groggy and can’t function or even get out of bed without 6 espressos , I try to take napes when I can just to get through the day, and I result in drinking coke coffee and lucozade. This is not me at all as caffeine enhances my migraine so I try to never have it. I used to love running and going to the gym but even that is a task to much which isn’t helping my mental state . Is this normal has anyone else experienced this , I’m beginning to feel like I’m going crazy .