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Sex and endo

Hi all, looking for ideas and advice

No other way to say it but be blunt…

Recently went for a smear and it was quite possibly the most painful I’ve had, quite a wake up call since being diagnosed 2/3 yrs ago

I went away worried thinking are ‘things getting worse’ , is daily pain contributing to tighter muscles, the nurse mightbhave been rough, she asked if i was active in exercise which can make muscles stiffer so maybe that contributes?

But this is also added to the fact that i cant even have an orgasm without sharp sharp pain all across my abdomen.

Its become a real anxiety for me that sex might not be possible, a real barrier to meeting someone new so i wanted to ask if any ladies had ever:

- seen anyone about pelvic floor like a specialist physio?

- Know of any useful exercise or toys or anything that might help calm the tension, and teach my muscles to say hey… its ok if penetration of a spectrum or a partner occurs!

- Seen any consultants who specialise in pain, nerve pain for any advice or solutions

- Ive avoided surgery and not keen on this given its complexities and no guarantees but was that ever a solution for anyone?

All advice welcome x

  1. I hear you, and you are not alone! Sex and intimacy can bring up so much anxiety and challenges when living with endo. I was looking for articles to share with you specifically about your questions, but I thought I would just share the whole thread in hopes you can find some articles that will help! I hope others will chime in with their personal experiences. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you find. Sending thoughts your way! Warmly, Erin (team member)

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