Any advice on what’s next? Hi all I’m new here and not great with technology so I apologize if this is in the wrong thread I’m desperate for any sort of advice or what I...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesCopingHysterectomySurgery
Physical Therapy for endometriosis Hi endo warriors!! I recently started physical therapy for my endometriosis. I have only had a couple appointments so far. I’m wondering if anyone else has done or is doing...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesCopingPelvic PainTips & Advice
Having an excision lap and doubting myself.Hello everyone. I've been trying to find an endometriosis community and came across this one here. I'm 25 and I was diagnosed with endometriosis via lap in 2018. This is...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesSurgeryLaparoscopyCoping
Experiencing tons of guilt because I have endometriosis I was officially diagnosed with endo in October 21’ but was in tons of pain almost 2-3 years prior to my diagnosis and even then when I was just convinced...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCopingDepressionMental Health
Period Playlist Music isn't just music. It can be therapy. Do you have a period or endo playlist? Who's on yours?...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesCopingMental HealthTips & Advice
Pets of Endometriosis.netOur pets are like family members and they play such a huge role in our overall mental and physical health. They're there for us on the good days and the...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesCopingMental HealthFriends & FamilyExerciseCaregivingAwareness
SurgeryHello everyone currently new here, I have recently found out I have stage 4/5 Endo, they found two 7 cm endometriomas on my ovaries. My Dr said I will need...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesLaparoscopyCopingDiagnosis
PainHi back last April I woke up and couldn't move in my bed I finley got out of bed and too the doctors where they sent me too manor injuries...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTips & AdvicePelvic PainCoping
You Are Heard HereHave you ever experienced not being taken seriously, misunderstood, or even gaslit about your endometriosis? What was your experience like? How did you react to the situation? **This is a...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesAwarenessTips & AdviceMental HealthCoping
Hysterectomy without children Has anyone had a hysterectomy and has no kids or children? *How do you talk and explain to your OBGYN that you know this is a irreversible procedure and there...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesCopingCaregivingSurgery