Oooh great topic! I live in an area with several beaches. I don't go to the main ones anymore, I go to little public beaches along the lake with only a couple of parking spots. That way the beach is a lot quieter and more relaxing.
I don't manage to get to the beach often but the only thing that helps me to be able to go and stay an hour or two is medical marijuana. (legal where I live) I also always bring my water misting bottle. It's a watering garden bottle with an adjustable spray nozzle. The misting setting has cool water hitting me. I have a sun hat that I wear and clothing to cover up when I have had too much sun, which doesn't take much these days. It's nice having a chair that I can pop into the water and sit on while still having the cool water on me. Swimming is something that causes too much pain right now and would end the beach day.
I never wear sunscreen because it prevents me from knowing when I have had too much sun. As soon as I start to get a little bit of light sunburn, I get out of the sun. Last thing I need is Melanoma on top of things.