oh dear warrior. So sorry you are dealing with this. I want you to know one thing, you are not alone. I know so many can relate to this, including myself. My partner was not understanding at first. Sex was just too painful and honestly, the desire went away after my endometriosis diagnosis. And I know how stressful that is on a relationship. he too would make me feel guilty and bad about it, for a long time. I found personally, for myself, therapy really helped us talk it out. I know that option isn't available to everyone and not everyone is willing to do it, but it really helped us. Another thing I started doing, was sending him articles from this site. So, he could read other stories and what they were dealing with. He just doesn't understand, and I found it way harder for myself to try to explain to him, so reading more about it helped him understand better. And lastly, one other thing I started doing, once I found a doctor who actually believed me and knew that something was going on, I started making my husband come into every appointment with me. This way he can hear firsthand from the doctor, what is truly going on inside of my body. It's still not perfect, he still makes me feel guilty from time to time, but I find he does understand it a bit better when I am truly having a bad flare up day. And he is also gentler and caring when we do have sex making sure I am okay.
I know it is a horrible feeling, not thinking your partner is there to support you. It is definitely a frustrating situation for everyone. But I want you to remember it is not your fault. No matter how guilty your partner makes you feel. I truly hope your next surgery helps you find relief. Until then, maybe try sending some articles and stories for your partner to read, and if you are both up for it, therapy truly was a blessing. And if you EVER need to chat, please do not hesitate to reach out. Here for you always. Sending you hugs and good thoughts dear warrior <3 -Kimberli (team member)