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How to be a teacher with endometriosis

Hi everyone! I'm a substitute teacher who was diagnosed a few days ago. My symptoms have been steadily getting worse for years and have gotten in the way of me living my life and performing much easier jobs in the past. I love subbing, and may someday want to have my own classroom.

Are there any teachers out there that can share some tips on how they manage?

  1. Hello , I have worked as a teacher in the past, teaching languages some years ago, and more recently Yoga. I think the most difficult time for me was when I didn’t have anyone else to assist me. If I was working solo, the responsibility was all on me. And if I had a bad flare-up, it was me letting down my students.

    So, the ideal scenario would be to have support, either other teachers that can come in when you can’t, or someone that can take over and ensure students are left with no classes. This means being open about your illness, and trusting others, joining a community of teachers online etc.

    I’ve taught classes suffering massive flare-ups, but it’s not something I want to do again. I did it because I didn’t have anyone that could support me and take over my class. I was completely alone. It worked out because my students were all advanced yogis, and they knew the sequence already so they didn't need me to demonstrate anything to them. I provided them with the space, the music, and a smile and no one noticed how much I was suffering.

    I hope his helps. I do believe that your dreams of having your own theatre classroom are very possible. You may have to find your own way to do this, different to those who don’t have endometriosis, but I’m sure you’ll get there if you don’t give up.

    We are all rooting for you 😀 – Jessie (team member)

    1. Thanks for the advice, Jessie! I'll start thinking about who I can tell. ^_^

  2. HI ! I was a substitute teacher as well! Still am, but with everything going on with the virus, obviously have chosen to put it in hold. But when I started, I warned the teachers and those I worked with, what I have and how some days I just cannot function properly. Whether I am in pain or fatigued. They surprisingly all understood and even knowing that, wanted me to work there full time. While teaching is definitely what I have always wanted to do, I went a different route but I guess my point, definitely be honest and up front with everyone. At least those you feel comfortable with. Like Jessie said, your dreams are certainly possible! Just need to figure out what works best for you. How have you been doing since your last comment? -Kimberli (Team Member)

    1. hi warrior! Just wanted to swing on by and say we have been thinking of you. How have you been feeling? -Kimberli (team member)

      1. Hey there! Sorry about the late reply! I haven't been on any social media sites lately. I've been overwhelmed by caregiving for my spouse and working full time at a school. I have found a symptom control method that works well for me, and I'm able to live a mostly normal life thanks to that! 😁 I'm very lucky, birth control worked for me. I missed two days recently, and that was awful, but I'm much better now!

        1. You don't have to apologize! I totally get taking time away from social media. It is so refreshing and needed, often! I am so sorry you have been feeling overwhelmed though 🙁 BUT, soooooo super happy to hear you have found something that helps you control your symptoms! I truly hope BC continues to help you and that you continue to have this much needed, well-deserved relief! Just the positivity I needed to read this morning. Hugs to you sweet warrior! -Kimberli (team member)

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