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Thigh pain

Does anyone else get bad thigh pain? Sometimes I even wake up with it in the mornings. Does this happen to anyone else?? It’s right at the top of my thighs and it’s a really horrible achey pain.

  1. hi there. Thank you so much for your question. So sorry you are dealing with this pain 🙁 I am dealing with something sort of similar. I do get a lot of leg pain that comes from my pelvic area, and does shoot down into my thighs. The first time this happened, I found out I had hernias causing the pain. When I got them removed, it seemed to stop. But the pain seems to be back again, so I am not too sure. I will say some light stretching of my legs helps, a weighted blanket and sometimes applying a heating pad. Have you talked to your doctor about these pains? -Kimberli (advocate)

    1. I'm sorry to hear you're having thigh pain. But it's definitely something that I used to get all the time before pelvic floor therapy and my latest excision surgery. However, I still get very bad achey thigh pain before my period and the first day or two of bleeding. My doctor tells me it's most likely because of prostaglandins and other inflammatory proteins that the body sends out to make the uterus contract (which is what happens when you have a period). When I get that kind of pain, ibuprofen and a heating pad takes the edge off. But muscle aches can be from other sources, so I'd definitely bring this up with your doctor if it keeps happening. They might want to explore any underlying physical causes (besides endometriosis). - Keri (team member)

      1. yup!! You are not alone! My thighs (top and inner) will cramp in an extreme way. It can be scary honestly. Like the other folks have said, I typically use a heating pad and ibuprofen to take the edge off. Ibuprofen has recently stopped working for me for endo pain, however, so my doctor suggested I swap to naproxen sodium instead. I can’t tell if it truly helps or not yet. I also bought a “massaging” heating pad where you’re able to choose one or both, which I feel will come in handy for summertime pain. All to say you’re seen, I’m sorry you’re dealing with this pain, and we’re in this together! ❤️

        1. just wanted to say thank you for being here for our community members. So sorry you know this pain all too well, too. It is scary sometimes, isn't it? I am glad you have some tools to use. I need a massaging heating pad! I don't know why I haven't thought of that. Putting it on my Christmas list, my husband is a last-minute shopper so maybe I can get it for Christmas lol! But on a serious note, it is nice to know we all have each other here and we aren't alone 🖤sending you the biggest hugs. -Kimberli (advocate)

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