Does anyone have any advice? I won’t go into all the details but in summary I have been suffering with endo symptoms most my life and particularly the past 3 years. In 2020 I was under hospital where I had a cervical cyst and polyp on my cervix. The cyst disappeared and polyp was removed. As I refused to go on the pill/coil (due to previous side effects not agreeing with me) the GP discharged me. He mentioned adenomyosis at the time but didn’t officially diagnose. I have now got crippling period pain where I am taking 4 paracetamol a time that doesn’t take away the pain and I even took 6 on Saturday (bad I know) I can’t take ibruprofen as it gives me bad acid reflux. I was up all night with excruciating pain that I even considered going hospital as it was so bad. Anyway, I have had a scan recently and everything is ‘normal’ and clear. I’m sick of hearing this and sick of struggling. Has anyone been diagnosed where the scan was clear and how did you go about getting this? I’ve been referred to the hospital and I need answers now and a diagnosis. ‘Period pain’ at work isn’t just quite cutting it. I know the complications surgery can cause however, I’m a lesbian anyway and have always prioritised my health over wanting children. I know drs are reluctant to give surgery to girls in their 20s who don’t have children but I have a female partner to carry children if needed and I’d rather be a healthy good mother with an adoptive child than go through this pain struggling every single month. I could be infertile anyway if I did have endo.
Anyway, my question is, how did you get a diagnosis? Was you pushy with it and stood your ground? Any tips to help me? And did you have a clear ultrasound but still had endo/adeno?
Also side note, I also suffer with PMDD and I find the worse my pain is the more I struggle mentally.