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Long story, i had my lap in 2022, diagnosed with stage 4 endo, nothing but complications, had another surgery 4 months later, alot of scar tissue was found and more then one cyst, still complications since then my mental health has went down hill fast and to this day im still having complications and new systems including bad rib pain especially when i breath, im at my with-end and dont know where to go or do from here 😥😥
Lori.Foster Community Admin
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My heart goes out to you,
Have you ever met with a therapist to discuss how all this is impacting you? You can't change your diagnosis, but you can change the way your body reacts physically to stress and the challenges of chronic illness. That might lead to improvements in both your mental and physical health.
It is really important to advocate for yourself and keep pushing for the care you need and deserve. If you are not vocal and your case is difficult, the healthcare system will tend to brush you off. You can feel better and you deserve to feel better. Keep in mind that doctors are providing you with a service you pay for, not a favor. You should get what you pay for and nothing less.
Please know we are here for you throughout this journey whether you need support or a safe place to vent. Keep me posted if you don't mind. I will be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)
Endowarrior2022 Member
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Im actually on my 3rd opinion, my first doc was just a gyn but my 2nd and 3rd opinions was endo specialist, im bring my friend with me on the 26 of feb to see if she can help, i say what i want but i feel like at some point i shut down due to the fact i was gas lighted and called crazy by so many doctors, im also in therapy, im actually in therapy 5 days a week due to all this and my few mental health break downs, im actually starting to think im crazy for needing that much therapy
Iwillconquerendostage4 Member
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Lori.Foster Community Admin
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Thank goodness you continued to advocate for yourself and that you have a primary care doctor who listens and cares,
Endowarrior2022 Member
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Unfortunately, my friend couldnt come, I am physically and mentally exhausted, again I tried to advocate for myself. I feel like he’s not listening to me cause he keeps saying, Physical Therapy and I get that I’m in physical therapy but I feel like somethings wrong and no one will take me serious and I’m just ready just to give up and stop fighting because it bring me down.
Lori.Foster Community Admin
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Please don't stop fighting,
Endowarrior2022 Member
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Thanks, the problem is the next best doctor is in other state and out of network with all insurance, i live in mass which is a huge state and only have 3 endo specialist and one is retiring, so im lost what to do and also i get i need pt like he says but i cant even get seen until the 20th so i feel like thats delaying my care as well, i ask my doc to please order a pelvic mri thinking he could since hes a gyn doc but told me to ask my pcp, not sure why since my pcp not treating me for endo, only thing my gyn listen to me about was Alternative Insemination since i want a baby, im 36 and single but then again idk if thats possible cuz i have stage 4 endo, pcos and adenomyosis 🙁
Lori.Foster Community Admin
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One of my closest friends got pregnant with stage 4 endo about 20 years ago, but she had extensive surgery to remove affected tissue first. She had no issues with her pregnancy, but chose to foster and adopt her second child. Anything is possible with the right care and guidance. - Lori (Team Member)