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Reaction to Deep Endometroisis Diagnoses


I had surgery yesterday and was diagnosed with deep endometriosis (the consultant said they don't use the stage system anymore but basically it was a sever case).

When I woke up I had 2 incisions and was convinced that they didn't find anything. I started to feel crazy, like I had made everything up and convinced myself I was in pain when I wasn't. After I spoke to the consultant I felt relieved that they found something - is it strange to have this reaction when the diagnoses is severe? I felt that the consultant and nurses were a bit baffled by my reaction as obviously they were hoping to find nothing.

I think the reality hasn't fully sunken in yet but it would be great to know if other people have experienced similar feelings?


  1. This feeling is totally relatable! I think it has to do with the fact that you now know what the problem is and you can come up with a plan to treat your symptoms. Whereas before you had no idea what you were chasing or how to stop the pain! That being said, I'm sorry to hear that you've been living with such pain for so long. Do you have an appointment set up with your doctor to talk about how to move forward now that you have a diagnosis? Please feel free to keep us updated. We'll be thinking about you <3 - Kat (Team Member)

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