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Post op advice

Afternoon, advice needed

I’m about 9 days post op for Laparoscopy ,Hysteroscopy,d and c and tubal dye test.

I am still experiencing shoulder tip,neck,rib pain. Migraine/dizzy spells and extreme fatigue . Yes my incision r still sore but more the inside tummy/back feel achey. Is this normal 9 days post op ?

  1. I would suggest to ask your doctor, just to be sure! I will say from personal experience, yes, 9 days isn't super long. I had pain and discomfort and symptoms for a good two weeks. The pain in my shoulder, chest, ribs was from the gas - so making sure I was moving (lightly of course) and gas X really helped that. As for the dizzy spells and fatigue- I had all of that as well- and just found I needed to rest. I know our incisions may seem small and laparoscopy isn't considered something "major" but, it is still surgery. They are still inside moving organs, poking at things that aren't usually poked at, so your body (even if the outside of the incisions are healed nicely) is still healing. But like I said, I would definitely just run it by your doctor to be safe to make sure there is nothing more going on that just needing time to fully recover <3 Hope that helps and that you do start finding some comfort and relief soon. Be gentle with yourself. -Kimberli (advocate)

    1. This is my first surgery procedure for endo and I think I have the pressure of my boss pushing me back to work within 10 days on full duties including heavy lifting. emotional and physical I thought I would be feeling a bit better but I got accept I can’t be solely independent atm without the support of My amazing husband helping me. I do have a appointment coming up to ask the doc question about my recovery
      Thanks for your kind advice.

      1. Chiming in to agree with Kimberli, and to reassure you that this is all within the realm of normal. It took me six weeks to be fully back to things after my fourth endo surgery. I think the dizziness and fatigue were the last to go. I'm sorry that your boss is pushing you to be back on full duties so soon. I hope you're able to find a way that works for you. ~Katrina, Advocate

    2. I’m going to ask my gyno to provide a light duty certificate to return to work on light duties as that’s the only way my boss will accept what I can and can’t do. Thanks for your advice.

      1. Fingers crossed that the certificate works and you recover well. ~Katrina, Advocate

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