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Wondered if anyone can put my mind at ease.
The doctor has referred me to see the gynaecologist for suspected endometriosis. I wondered what happens when I go and what will they say. My doctor had given me options and said they might do a laparoscopy and fitting a mirena coil I worry I’m too big for having this and I don’t want to feel embarrassed.
Please help ?
Katrina Martin Member
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A quick Google search came up with the results that some studies have shown that a person's weight makes an insignificant difference in the successful outcome of a laparoscopy, although there may be an increase in complications, namely that they may have trouble inserting the scopes. There is this answer from a doctor I found:
It is my opinion that if the gynecologist tries to tell you that the surgery isn't possible, and they cite weight as a reason, that is a good time to seek out a second opinion from a more skilled doctor who is confident they can perform the surgery. I wish you luck with the appointment and I hope you get the care you deserve! ~Katrina, Advocate
Natrat94 Member
Last Updated:
Hey,I'm plus size as well and also was concern about that.honestly don’t let it worry you - they have seen it all.They are there to help you and help sought out what’s going on with you.I found a support person was also key to helping myself with nerves when attending appointments. The first appointment is mostly talking,quick exam and working out a plan.
Chloe2302 Member
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Aw thank you replying
Have you had a laparoscopy or what have you had done ?
Thanks for making it less nervous for me
Kimberli Davino Member
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Natrat94 Member
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paragirl Member
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Good afternoon Chloe,
First let me say that there are no wrong questions although sometimes misguided answers. I am in emergency medicine and I can tell you that all the information you have received is very accurate. I also have endometriosis and it can be very challenging to get a diagnosis so you are very much on your way. When I finally got diagnosed in 2006 it took 3 long years more ER visits than one can count and finally a female doc that just came into my room during my lunch with my dad and said she wanted to do a lappy on me. In the early 2000's these were not as common as now. Of course you have to wait 8 hours for food to digest and she jokingly said that I needed to eat that apple quickly or put it down and my Dad, rest his soul yanked the apple out of my hand from me 😮)
Since then there have been tons of research done on lappy's and they have only gotten better with time. If an OB/GYN tells you that size will matter, ask your family doctor for another referral. I'm not saying size doesn't matter but in this day and age you can find a great surgical team that will help figure out your pelvic pain.
Feel free to ask me anything you want and I will try and answer them to the best of my knowledge and if not I will contact a great friend who is leading the research in pelvic pain where I am from. He is literally writing the manual on it and is amazing to boot!
Stay strong and remember that sometimes its not about getting through the day, its about getting through the hour when it comes to pain.
Chloe2302 Member
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Kimberli Davino Member
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