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Oral progesterone

Hi just wondering if anyone has been prescribed oral progesterone to help with pain? My gp thinks it will really help but unsure if I want to take it or not. Anyone taken this before and had any side effects. Any advise welcome please

  1. Hi, I’ve been taking 100mg oral progesterone for 3 months now and I haven’t noticed a big difference. No negative side effects (my doctor said breast soreness and weight gain were the two main side effects). It has improved my sleep so that’s good! I’m taking it because I wanted to avoid birth control. My doctor is considering upping my dosage and seeing if there’s a difference. Best of luck!

    1. Unfortunately, from what I've heard from my doctors, progesterone (since its not hormonal) does not allow you to "skip your periods" which is the only option doctors have for painful periods. You "can try it" is what my Gyno just told me today, so make sure you keep your ibuprofen handy.

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