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MRI Found Cysts and Tissues

Two and a half years of knowing something was wrong: heavy periods and huge clots, pain. So GYN put in a coil 2022. Still bleeding. In 2023, go to gp they put me on hrt. Stopped bleeding, but pain all the time. In 2024, GP called gynecology and I had an appointment and MRI scan. GP called yesterday (02/08/2024) to say cysts and tissues were found and gynecology will make contact. I've been off work for 3 weeks now. Pain in back, stomach and down the leg. Bloating. I look 9 months pregnant.

  1. Hi . I just read about your journey and I am wondering how you are doing now. Have you gotten on a better treatment plan since your diagnosis? Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Hi,didn't get any help I have a brown cyst and clear on right and lesions as well gynecology didn't want to help told me that it's Ibs which it's not I had very bleeding, Hugh clots and bloating all the time,I had coil fitting 2 years and last year after a year went to gp as I was still bleeding light but all the time

      1. Hi , that sounds like a frustrating experience! Living with constant pain and bleeding must be exhausting!! I hope you're able to get some answers very soon! Feel free to keep us updated when you hear back from your doctors. We'll be thinking about you. - Kat ( Team)

    2. Hi Stellac- I feel your pain! For the bloating and the pain, try drinking hot/warm ginger tea, it will help based on my own experience. Living with endometriosis pain is a nightmare and not everyone even doctors can understand it. Everything takes time and it's not going to work overnight but it does help!
      I find walking is also helpful to get rid of the bloating. Yet, easy saying but trust me it works somehow.
      Each body is different. Painkillers are only temporary helping. Keep track of what trigger the pain in food and avoid it the best you can. Hope you feel better and don't ever lose hope!

      1. Hi , thanks for chiming in here! It's great to hear that you've found some solutions to help alleviate your pain. I also find that ginger tea is helpful for bloating. However, as you said, it's important to keep in mind that each body is different and ginger tea might not work for everyone. Tracking your food intake was a good suggestion to help narrow down what may be triggering your symptoms. Here's an article that gives tips for alleviating bloating. You made me think of it because they talk about the elimination diet to cut out allergens. Feel free to check it out!

        - Kat ( Team)

    3. Hi Kat-Thank you for sharing the article. In addition to that, adding more veggies to our diet will definitely help reduce inflammation and bloating. The quickest way to increase our intake of greens is by using a blender and drinking them daily. Through the community, I've found comfort in knowing I'm not alone. There are many women out there who experience and feel the same way I do. Let's continue to share and encourage one another. Thank you!

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