Hiya I am 22 years old and been diagnosed this month with endo. It is believed I have had it for a good few months now but doctors wouldnt look further into my case till i ended up in a&e curled up in extreme pain. I have so many symptoms going on and i have no clue if they are to do with the endo or not. I also have no clue on what stuff i could try to help me.I have pain 24/7 ranging from pain i can deal with in everyday life to pain where i am stuck in bed.
Sometimes it feels like i have a weight on my stomach and chest. Is this normal?
I have severe nausea and fatigue.
The bloating of my stomach ranges and it can be quite bad.
Does anyone have any tips or advice or stuff you use to help with any of this? Or stuff that helps with other symptoms.
I already have myoovi which helps so much and heat pads to use.
I just keep so much that is advertised to help endo but when you look into it i cant find if it actually does or if people with endo have used it at all.
So sorry for the long paragraph. Its just i knew my body inside and out and now i have no clue and am having to re learn all over again and i feel kinda lost with it all.
Thank you 😀