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cramps worsen when i smoke weed

Hello, I'm 21 and i started displaying endometriosis symptoms about 4 years ago, have yet to see a gynecologist about it. it started with passing out and vomiting and intense pains during the first 2 days. now i deal with cramps for a week before my actual period, my ovaries hurt when i use the toilet, i can't have sex all that fun stuff. another symptom that i started having about 1 year ago is when i smoke weed (which i do regularly without any issues) the cramps worsen, and i go through dizzy spells. i can't find any articles about it online, the only thing i could find was a reddit post from 5 years ago with 5 comments so i know I'm definitely not the only one. maybe on of you guys happens to know more about this

  1. I’m sorry you’re having so much pain, and I’m not sure why your cramps would worsen after cannabis use. While there’s some evidence that cannabis appears to lessen pelvic pain in some people with endometriosis, there’s not a lot of research on the topic.

    Would you mind if I asked if you plan to ask your doctor about a diagnosis and treatment for endometriosis?

    In the meantime, I’ll leave you with some articles that may be helpful for managing your pre-period pain: ; ; ;

    - Keri (patient leader)

    1. so sorry to hear you have been dealing with all of this. I have definitely heard cannabis to be helpful for pain, so that is so frustrating it seems to be causing more issues for you. I honestly have no idea why that would do that. It sounds like you certainly have a lot going on though. I would definitely try to reach out to your doctor and see if they could figure out what is going on and maybe give you a diagnosis and treatment. Just know we are here for you and sending good thoughts. Hoping you get both answers and relief soon! -Kimberli (advocate)

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