Hi, all! I am new to this web page and am honestly looking to chat with some people who also suffer from endometriosis. I am nineteen and got diagnosed a year and a half ago after seven years of doctor appointments, ultrasounds, and birth control prescriptions. Currently, I am really struggling with how to get help and what my next steps should be. After my surgery and diagnosis, I have zero follow-up but have been experiencing worsening symptoms. The doctors I have tried to talk to have all been very unhelpful, and some have given very concerning suggestions, like having a baby before it is too late. Now I am very worried about both my fertility and what help I should be looking for from doctors.
My mum has been encouraging me to freeze my eggs and I was wondering if that is the right choice if anyone has any experience or advice regarding that topic that would be amazing.
I've come to terms with the fact that I will spend a lot of my life in pain and have come used to dealing with that what I struggle with more is the fatigue, digestive issues, and the severe mood swings/sadness I experience when I am meant to get my period. This has definitely been the hardest part to cope with. One day I will be fine and happy then the next I will struggle to leave my house or even bed because I feel so down that after a week I will go back to normal. I have really struggled to bring this up with a doctor and when I have they have been dismissive. Is there anything I could ask for or a way to advocate for myself?
Any advice would be helpful it is really hard to talk about or find people who understand so I am hoping here is the place. Thank you!