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I had to have emergency total hysterectomy 1906. There was no information about endometriosis at that time. One day I started having severe abdominal pains, I went to the ER. Doctor in the ER said I was having a bladder infection, he wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic. Advised me to go home and if the pain got worse to come back. I ended up going back the next evening. Luckily the dr on call a gynecologist ask me if it hurt to have sex, I said yes. He said they would prep me for surgery. If I needed a hysterectomy did I want total or partial. I said total. The next day he came in my hospital room and said if I had waited one more year I would have died. I had stage 4 endometriosis.

  1. Wow, that's quite a story! I'm guessing 1906 was a typo...otherwise you'd be a quite long-lived person! I can't imagine going to the ER for support and being told I needed immediate surgery. I have stage 4 endo and although it's been a difficult journey, I am grateful that doctors know more now than they used to. How are you doing now?~Katrina, Advocate

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