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Blood clots

Hello I was wondering if anyone else has/had anything similar, when I’m on my period I notice blood clots down the toilet, more recently I’ve noticed multiple smaller ones on the toilet paper most times when I need to use the toilet. Does anyone else experience this? And know why this is happening

  1. I definitely experienced this during my periods, and my gynecologist was never very concerned about it. The time to worry is when they become large. Here are some articles that discuss it:,a%20sign%20that%20something's%20wrong.

    This last article says that having clots bigger than quarter-sized and having frequent clots are a reason to go get checked out by your doctor, so I would recommend you make an appointment when you can.

    ~Katrina, Advocate

    1. hey, definitely had those too. Not sure why but I remember I thought it was a problem but then reading it's usually o.k

      1. Like Katrina, I definitely have these too. Sometimes there’s even some solid tissue in there. I often feel like period is mostly clots, especially on the first days of bleeding. My doc said it’s natural for the blood to clot on a period, and it’s usually not something to worry about unless these clots are large and I’m bleeding more than a tampon’s worth every hour. (Heavy bleeding comes with it’s on health issues, like anemia.) If these clots are worrisome to you, or you have other symptoms like serious pelvic pain, I’d definitely bring this up with your doctor. There are tests like ultrasounds that can look at your uterus and ovaries to check for cysts or fibroids that could be causing any issues. I hope this helps! - Keri ( team member)

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