Need Advice

Hi, I was diagnosed with endometriosis on Dec.2018. I started my period since I was 9 years old. I have experience pain and cramps all my life. I told my Gyn and he said it was normal not until he did an ultrasound and found out I had fibroids. He said thats whats causing your pain and heavy bleeding each month. He did an UAE and it helped maybe 3 years. Then I started having pain again. I went to the ER and they couldn't see anything wrong besides my fibroids. So my Gyn refer me to another Dr. in his practice Dr.Srinivasan. She performed a diagnostic laparoscopy and she said I had endometriosis, so on January 2019 she did a hysterectomy and remove my endo.

Post Surgery

3 months after my surgery I started spotting each month and with pain. So I went back to her and she said I'm sorry your are experiencing pain I took all your endo out. She said many women bleed up to a year after a hysterectomy. I wasn't happy with what she told me. I went back to my gyn Dr. Gallai and he refer me to Dr. Castellanos. I told him that I've been having periods and I don't have a uterus how is that possible. He examined me and said he felt something inside of me, like a mass so he took the time and explain to me my options but he recommended another surgery.

ANOTHER surgery

I had my second surgery Jan. of this year. He said I had endometriosis all over the place and with a big mass near my rectum. I was happy he had found out the problem to my pain. 3 months after my surgery I starting spotting again and feeling pain. I felt pain on my belly button, bladder and I was wiping mucus and blood after I poop.

So I made an appt and told him what I was experiencing. He ordered an MRI in June. He called me for the results and he said I had endo again on my intestine and vagina and something had showed on my bladder. He said it's too risky for me to have another surgery because it's too soon. He said he wants to put me on Lupron for a year and repeat the MRI in a year and go from there. He also refer me to a recto surgeon in regards to the endo on my intestines.

Need advice on next steps

I have an appointment next week with him to talk more in depth about my MRI results and the following day I have the appt with the recto surgeon . Thank God I have found this Endo group and Nancy nook and I have learned a lot. My family Dr, refer me to Mayo Clinic. I'm not sure if I should take the treatment using Lupron or if I should get a 3 rd opinion at Mayo clinic.

Any suggestions or have any of you ladies experience something similar to what I'm experiencing? I lived in Arizona.

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