Cervix: Take It or Leave It?I recently wrote about whether or not I should take out my fallopian tubes when I get my hysterectomy. I am still on the fence about that (though leaving heavily...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Managing Chronic FatigueChronic fatigue: It’s more than just being tired. “Pure exhaustion” doesn’t even adequately describe it. It’s a full-body, down-to-the-bones fatigue. The kind of tired that you can only dream about...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Dealing with Endometriosis Surgery Together: Part 2In their first installment of this two-part series on surgery, Jess and Chris covered some of the pre-surgery topics, such as appointments and preparing for the surgery itself. In this...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Dealing with Endometriosis Surgery Together: Part 1Surgery is a major factor when it comes to living with endometriosis. Today, Chris and Jess are exploring how they've navigated this part of living with endometriosis, and sharing some...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Benefits of Seafood for EndometriosisVarious studies on the influence between diet and symptoms or risk factors of endometriosis have indicated that it may be beneficial for women with endo reduce their consumption of red...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What Does Having a Tipped Uterus Mean?Several years before I had my first lap and had been formally diagnosed with endo, an ultrasound technician told me during a transvaginal ultrasound that I had a tipped uterus...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Best Foods to Eat Before and After SurgeryDespite our best efforts to manage our health on our own, sometimes surgery is needed to fully restore health. This was the case for me with endometriosis. The endometriosis was...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Accepting My Chronic IllnessI already know what you’re thinking, “This writer is crazy to think anyone can accept their illness!”... And you are right. I mean, how can someone who has an illness...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Breathing through The PainPain is one of the most common symptoms of endometriosis. Most women suffering from endometriosis experience pain during their period, but a significant amount of women experience chronic pain. We...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
My Endometriosis, My ChoiceEver since I publicly announced I had decided to have a hysterectomy, I have found myself being extremely defensive over it. I received so many messages of support, but they...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
How Supporting My Partner With Endometriosis Benefits My Own Health TooI have written much on how to support your partner with their endometriosis, mostly from the perspective of how offering this support will benefit their health and make their life...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Three Tips to Finding Balance as an Endo AdvocateIf you are on any form of social media and you follow a few endometriosis awareness accounts, I’m sure at some point, you’ve seen a meme or a post talking...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Taking Care of Your ScarsLet me start off by saying I’ve had six laparoscopic surgeries. One of them was also an open surgery, which means I was cut open about 6 inches below my...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs as Treatment for EndoAfter I had my first lap many years ago in 2002, I was offered the option of either going into chemical menopause temporarily, or being on hormonal birth control indefinitely...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
With Endometriosis, Quality of Life is Dictated by MoneyTwo years ago, I was diagnosed with complex, stage 4 endometriosis, and it has had a severe impact on my life... From the surgeries, the fight to find my specialist...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Vegan Ice Cream Is Everywhere: Here Are My FavoritesI could never tolerate dairy, so I wasn't surprised when I found out it was a no-go on the endo diet. I went vegan in 2000, four years before I...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Can Certain Foods Induce Your Period?My cycle is rarely regular. It never really has been. I’ve relied a lot on acupuncture over the years to help keep it on track... And it typically does the...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Endometriosis and Adult Acne: How I Deal with ItCurrently, as a woman in my thirties, the state of my skin can only be described as a battleground. As a teenager I never had bad skin. In fact, it...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Natural Pain ReliefHippocrates said it, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. The Bible says it, “The fruit will be for food and the leaves for healing” (Ezekiel 47:12)...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
A Love Note to Say "You're Doing Just Fine"In the past two weeks, our flat has flooded and we’ve had to move into temporary accommodation, and less than 24 hours later, we lost a family member. What’s happened...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments