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Things My HCP Have Said to Me When I Ask For Treatment

Have you ever been told any of the following when you requested a procedure or treatment for your endometriosis?:

- You need a male partner to sign off on that
- You are too young
- You might change your mind about kids later
- All periods are painful. It’ll get better.
- We save this as a last resort procedure, so no.
- Let's try this medication instead
- Read through this pamphlet and then we'll talk
- Other ______

Have you ever heard any of these from your HCP before? Maybe you've heard something else. Share what you've heard here.

  1. I was told by a private gynaecologist in London that I obviously have endometriosis but he wouldn't refer me for surgery as it grows back. But then offered me surgery for uterine fibroids. To which I said to him that both grow back. Thankfully I ensured that he never touched my body and I am now about to have excision surgery and fibroid resection surgeries in Belgium. Where I now live. After 31 years of the N.H.S and private doctors and gynaecologists leaving endometriosis, fibroids, chronic acute anemia and chronic fatigue to rob me of my life since the age of 11.

    1. Wow Sarah, I'm so sorry to hear you had that experience. It's unacceptable that doctors say things like that. I hope your excision surgery goes well. Keep us posted! ~Katrina, Advocate

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