I've been going through a lot of health issues over the past 10 years, jumping from diagnosis to diagnosis. It's all making me feel like a hypochondriac and has been a constant struggle and impact on my life. I've always been extremely motivated and hard working, the person who goes the extra mile at work and usually takes a leadership position. But I kept running into the same cycle of my life falling apart every other year. It's cost me jobs, relationships and overall functionality in my life. My main problems have been extreme nausea/dizziness, pain, and sleep episodes. I've been diagnosed with severe/manic depression, POTS, fibromylgia, CFS, and even hypothyroidism in high school though my thyroid levels were just low normal. I've been told to eat several different diets, hydrate more, exercise more, exercise less, sleep less, sleep more and other advice over the years. I get sleep spells that knock me out for 20 plus hours, tunnel vision, abdominal and joint pain, foggy brain, constipation and diarrhea, and a myriad of other issues. Finally, this year, a doctor ordered a sleep study which revealed I'm narcoleptic. This explained half my symptoms but not the pain. My grandma told me recently that she had a hysterectomy at my age from endometriosis and her mother had the same condition. So I've gone to the gynecologist and they did an ultrasound which came back perfectly normal. But I'm still having constant abdominal, pelvic and joint pain. It seems to get worse after my period and after sex. The doctor wants to start treatment for endometriosis as a way of diagnosis but with my past, I'm so tired of taking medication I might not even need. I want to get better but I want to know for sure before starting treatment. Should I push for a laparoscopy? Would love some advice right now, feeling super emotional and slightly crazy.