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Right ovary located on left side of pelvis ... What?

Hi everyone!

I recently had an ultrasound that showed my right ovary on the left side of my pelvis. I lost my left ovary due to a large endometrioma a couple years ago. The ultrasound tech told me she's never seen this before, but my gynecologist doesn't seem to think it's an issue...

Has anyone heard of this, or experienced this?

I don't understand how it's possible, and wonder if an adhesion is pulling it over to the left side.

If anyone has experienced this or has any ideas on what is going on, I'd love to hear from you. Endo can be such a mystery 😀

Thank you!

  1. I have not heard of this before, but I wouldn't rule out an adhesion pulling it to the left side. Were they certain there was only one ovary? Ovarian remnant syndrome is a syndrome in which an ovary regrows after removal. It makes me wonder if the right ovary was hidden somehow on the scans and there was a regrown ovary on your left. It's quite rare, but maybe that's what's happening? I hope you're able to find answers. Is it painful and are you considering surgery? ~Katrina, Advocate

    1. Hi , thanks for your reply!

      The tech did mention ovarian remnant syndrome but they didn't think that was the case. I had an ultrasound in January ('23) and no one mentioned a growing or a wandering ovary then, lol. It was a different GYN practice though.

      Everything I've attempted to Google comes back as ovarian torsion, but of course I don't think that's what is going on! I do have pain, but it's not usually severe, or not as severe as what I've read ovarian torsion is like ... and no vomiting, etc. I'm not considering surgery right now, but was offered an MRI if I "want to find out more" or to wait a few months and recheck. We'll submit the MRI order to insurance and hope it gets approved, because of course I want to find out more, lol.

      Before the ultrasound I had been told to contact my surgeon (Dr. Fogelson, ab endo specialist in Portland) because I've been told for a year now that I have an endometrioma on my remaining ovary, and in Jan. it was 3.5 cm. I recently found out I'm not a candidate for estrogen-based therapy because of a genetic mutation, so my gyn said it would be best to have surgery to save any remaining healthy ovarian tissue ... but last week I had another ultrasound and was told it's now only 1.2 cm. My gyn said "as you know, endometrioma's aren't known to shrink..." so I really don't understand what is going on, and after she said maybe I don't need surgery after all. It's all so confusing.

      I had a flare a couple weeks ago, right before the ultrasound, and sort of wondered if the cyst ruptured and that's why it was smaller ... but who knows!

      My only other experience with an endometrioma was before my first excision surgery in Oct. '22, when an 8cm endometrioma was found in my L ovary, but of course it had never been monitored for growth, etc. and had ruptured prior to surgery. So IDK if it ever "shrunk" and then grew again in the years of pain leading up to its removal.

      My gyn and the tech said it was strange that my R ovary is on the left side of the pelvic midline, but no one seemed that concerned, just confused, and I am right there with them 😀

      1. Wow, it's an odyssey, isn't it? I'm really sorry to hear you've had multiple ruptured cysts/endometriomas. That's the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I feel like I had endometriomas come and go, and I'm pretty sure it's because they ruptured. I'll cross my fingers for you that insurance approves your MRI and you're able to get better answers! ~Katrina, Advocate

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