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Impact of Endometriosis Study Seeing Participants

Hello! I'm studying the impact endometriosis has on the lives of individuals with the disease, as well as their experiences with medical care. My interest stems from knowing several women with endo and myself suffering for 24 years before getting an adenomyosis diagnosis. My hope is that my research will raise awareness about the impact of endo on individuals with uteruses, their lives, and their relationships, as well as the medical care they receive in their endo journey. If you participate in my study, you would complete an online survey and be entered into a drawing for one of several $10 Amazon giftcards. Here is the link if you are interested:

  1. Hi . I hope you gets lots of participation for this study and that your findings help create change in the treatment of people with endometriosis. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thank you for allowing me to post about my study. I firmly believe our society needs more awareness about endometriosis and the impact it has on the lives of those with it.

      1. Hi there. My daughter is 21. She was diagnosed about 9 months ago via laparoscopic surgery. She’s been in pain since she started her period. It’s frustrating. I’ll share your information and see if she wants to help you out.

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