Hi. I am new here and let me start with my story. I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2016. They did a laparoscopy on me. My symptoms were heavy menstrual periods, excruciating pelvic pain during my periods and sometimes even before/after periods, and migraines 2 to 3 times a week. I tried taking hormone pills and even tried thr IUD but none of these got rid of my symptoms. Until my doctor told me to do a partial hysterectomy. I got the surgery done in May of 2020. They left both of my ovaries since they were both fine. This was the best thing I have done to help get rid of all my symptoms and I am so happy. About 6 months after my surgery, I have noticed getting hot flashes. They have gotten worse as the months progressed. Lately, I have also been experiencing night sweats. I told my doctor about this but she said I had to start on HRT which I opposed to. So I went online to search for answers. I am now looking into starting an herbal supplement and hope to be cured. Has any of you here experienced something similar as me? If so, did the herbal supplements help alleviate your hot flashes/night sweats?
Thank you for reading my long post. Hoping for some answers!