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A polar bear sweating and wearing a 2 pieces outfit with a personal fan around her neck approaching 2 other polar bears wearing sweaters and scarves

Endometriosis and Hot Flashes

Hot flashes. Oh my dear Lord, I just can’t handle them anymore. If you’ve ever experienced a hot flash then you know that these suckers are no joke. Hot flashes swell from pinpricks of heat, searing my skin from the inside out. Traveling up my body leaving slick sweat in its wake. Hot flashes from endometriosis feel like being held over a fire-pit of molten lava, just close enough to set my hair on fire and melt the makeup off my face. Hot flashes and endometriosis are no joke.

Endometriosis and hot flashes

Many of us with endometriosis suffer from the effects of hot flashes sooner and with greater frequency and intensity than those without endo. Just another delightful gift from the endo gods, I suppose. I suffer, on the average, anywhere from 15 to 30 hot flashes a day. Shocking? Yeah, I know.

Just another swift kick to our lady bits

Hot flashes have been a long-standing “joke” among aging ladies since Eve got her fanny kicked out of the garden. And for many women, it is just another side effect of the normal aging process. But for those of us who are already fighting endo pain and fatigue, it feels like just another swift kick to our tender lady bits. Because of the many hormonal changes within my body, I’ve found myself fighting hot flashes and even night sweats, much sooner than I really should be (from an aging perspective).

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Hot flash mode

Many of us with endometriosis have also had hysterectomies and other surgical procedures that send our bodies’ hormones straight to hot flash and night sweat mode. Almost as quickly as I set my phone to night mode, a hot flash can sneak up on me, leaving sweat marks on my shirt, flushed cheeks, and trails of sweat down my face.

How to manage hot flashes with endometriosis

I wish I could tell you there was a magical way of managing hot flashes that makes it seem like they don’t even exist. (And if you know of one, PLEASE share it with the class! Don’t be stingy.)

Prescribed medications

Of course, I hope it goes without saying that if you think you are experiencing hot flashes, that you speak to your doctor about them. There could actually be several causes of hot flashes and with some blood work, your doctor can help determine your specific cause. All that being said, there are medications that your doctor can prescribe to help manage the frequency and severity that you experience hot flashes and night sweats. Personally, most of these are hormonal based and I have ZERO luck with messing with my hormones, so I can’t attest personally to their actual efficacy.

Personal fans

I can’t believe I’m even saying this but yes, especially in the already hot spring and summer months, I’ve been known to walk around with one of those extremely fashionable personal fans slung around my neck. I’d even go so far as to say it is my favorite accessory.

Dress in layers

Many lightweight, cotton fabrics are the key to keeping as comfortable as possible with both hot flashes and night sweats. Not only do hot flashes heat my body to a million degrees Fahrenheit, but following the hot flash, my body temperature often plummets and I quickly go from sweating to freezing. If you dress in lightweight layers, you can be as comfortable as possible, but you can also cover up those inevitable sweat marks that no amount of antiperspirant can save you from.

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