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No diagnosis

I have known of issues surrounding my periods/reproductive system and sort help for 3 years. Gathering we all start that way and end up tracking and coming to the point endometriosis is a huge likelyness.

I know that for the last 10 months there was not realistically any other out come. Each month I record in hopes of help. Knowing my body is not okay and having to find a way to work around the fact my body is not okay while no one listens.
I've done the meds for excessive bleeding on period, uti diagnosis but only just before period, low iron count and prescriptions. Changes in cycle and pms lasting weeks.

I have an appointment with gp Wednesday and i know I'm not leaving without futher investigation. Im just at a point where if i have got so much information that I've already passed on, day by day accounts each month, I'm shocked no one has helped.

I feel like im fighting against my own body, just trying to find one good day.

I have ideas that progesterone may help but honsetly I'd rather actually be helped rather then just demand a pill in blind hope.

Just looking for any words of support, i know im not alone and i can't just wish it away. I want to feel like i can help my own body through this. I want to feel like there is a better day where i can help myself through this. Right now i feel like a deer in head lights.

Thank you anyone that reads.

  1. I am so sorry of this difficult time you are going through. But I am also happy you shared it with us. Because, yes dear warrior, you are absolutely not alone. Honestly, I have lost count of the times I have tried to wish away the pain and discomfort. It hasn't worked but, what has, is not giving up on myself or my body. And continuing to fight for answers, no matter how exhausting it is! Unfortunately, it sometimes does take numerous doctors before one listens to us and takes us seriously.

    And I am right there with you, wanting more of a treatment then just given a pill and hoping for the best. I think it is a good start that you have an appointment Weds. I do hope they are compassionate and ready to help you get to the bottom of everything so you can start feeling and seeing relief.

    Another option you can try if you have no yet, is to check out Nancy's Nook on Facebook, it's a group where she lists endometriosis specialists that you can search in your area. I know it isn't always easy to get into a specialist, sometimes insurance isn't covered or sometimes the closest specialist is too far away, but it is worth looking at if for whatever reason Weds doesn't go well.

    But my hope and thought for you is that it does go well and they come up with a plan for you. It took me 12+ years before I received an official diagnosis. Keep fighting for answers and know all of us in this community has your back. If you need anything at all, have questions or just need to vent, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here for you.

    Good luck Weds and do keep us posted if you can <3 Sending hugs. xo-Kimberli (advocate)

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