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Possible Endo Diagnosis

I just had my fallopian tubes removed to become sterilized. My doctor also removed my IUD. I'm 37 with an almost teenager who is wonderful, and not in a financial position to have more children and can not take hormonal birth control due to a genetic disorder. The copper Iud worked great but my periods were 12 days long. And my cramps were completely debilitating. My doctor thought removing the Iud may help. During my surgery my doctor noticed what she thought to look like endometriosis. They tried to biopsy it but it caused too much bleeding so the doctor decided against doing so. At my post op appointment she told me to watch my cycle the next few months to see if my cramping and cycle get more manageable without the Iud. But now I'm worried. Not worried - I Dont know. Almost relieved because my cramps are so bad they feel like child birth. I am in tears. Periods should not be that way. It feels good to put a possible name to this - but if I can't do hormone therapy what other options are there? I Dont know. It was shocking so I didn't ask my doctor more questions at the time. I’m kinda just at a loss for words.

Is this genetic? My grandmother suffered from endometriosis and got a hysterectomy in the 1970s due to it.

  1. Hi . I wish you could take hormones, but they are not effective for everyone who is diagnosed with endometriosis. So, there is a chance they would not have helped you anyway. We are not medical experts, but my first concern would be the excessive bleeding that prevented your doctor from doing the biopsy. Did your doctor address that? Have you ever had your Vitamin K levels tested or been tested for Celiac's disease? Vitamin K helps with blood clotting and Celiac's disease can prevent you from absorbing vital nutrients. If you can get the bleeding issue under control, you might be eligible for surgery to biopsy and remove any endometriosis. It's not a cure and you might need surgery again down the line, but it can bring some relief. The verdict is still out on whether endometriosis is hereditary. Here is an article about it that might interest you: I hope this helps and that you get some answers and relief. Know that we are here for you as you try to figure out what is going on and how to treat it. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

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