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Looking for answers

So I have had a horrid night… every time I tried lying on my side I felt like my ovaries were being torn apart.. I tried lying on my back with my legs very high with a pillow under my knees but in the end the only thing that helped was my heated blanket wrapped round me and on high like bath heat high and 2 codiene! So I am back looking for answers…. Does anyone else experience sustained unexplained weight gain? I am on the keto diet and it was doing me wonder but since my last flare up I feel like everything has gone to pot! I have been steadily gaining weight no matter what I do and my joints feels soft (like they do before coming on) and everything is rubbish again! I feel like I have got serious growth of endo tissue inside me and it’s pressing and pulling on things it shouldn’t. I also find that I feel like I am going to pass out whenever I bend over or sit or stand with good posture and I think this might all be down to my endometriosis. Anyone else experience these odd symptoms? I think it’s time I sat down with my Dr. And get to the cause of all this because it’s making me feel awful.

  1. What a miserable night, . My heart goes out to you. I hope tonight is a much better night and that you get an appointment with your endometriosis doctor soon.
    Is it possible you have developed an endometrioma? They can be horrible painful. Here is an article about them: Sometimes, endometriomas can be a sign of deep infiltration endometriosis, which can be serious. So it's really important to have it checked out as soon as possible if you suspect you have one. My daughter nearly lost her ovary at 20 years old due to an endometrioma.
    Have you ever been evaluated for other autoimmune diseases, such as thyroid disease or autoimmune arthritis? Once you develop one autoimmune disease, it opens the door to others. Your primary care doctor can run a few simple blood tests to determine whether you should see a different kind of specialist for your weight issues and that soft feeling in your joints.
    Please go to the ER if your symptoms ever make you too nervous or feel unsafe. Keep us posted if you don't mind. I will be thinking of you and sending lots of positive energy your way. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Hello again, finally got to speak to my gp and I am being referred to gynaecologists but could take up to a year (nhs waiting list) so I am looking up hot tubs on eBay as when I am in hot water my pain is eased! Had another episode last night where I felt like I needed to push! Thought this might just be me but apparently there is a hormone that endo sufferers produce an excess of that tells the uterus to contract and the body to push so there you go! Crazy right?!?

      1. I wish you could be seen sooner, but I am glad you are investing in a hot tub. Hopefully, it will get you through the worst times unil you finally get to see a gynecologist. Do remember that the ER is always an option if the pain becomes unbearable. We are here for you. - Lori (Team Member)

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