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Laparoscopy Advice

Hi, since starting my period I have always had issues. I used to get sent home due to pain, I couldn’t walk and was sometimes sick. I had really heavy periods too. I have been on the pill since I was 14 and it helped in that the pain wasn’t as severe but I still need medication and heat to aid it.

2 years ago I started to get recurrent UTIs and kidney infections. Since the infection I have had non stop back pain and issues with my period again. Got referred to urologist, no issues. I have since been with gynae as they finally listened to my symptoms: heavy periods, clots, back pain, leg pain, bloating, pain after sex, constant exhaustion and abnormal bleeding between periods has started recently. I’ve had an MRI, all clear. I’m awaiting an ultrasound.

My gynae suspects that it is endo but advised only large cysts/tissue mass will appear on an MRI or ultrasound and advised me that if I want a lap I can have one. I’m so torn what to do as I am terrified of surgery for them to say it isn’t endo, although I do feel like having an answer either way will give some sort of validation/relief.

  1. I understand very well the fear of surgery...I had that before my first surgery too. But with the symptoms you mentioned, I think you should definitely consider it, especially i fyour gynecologist can perform excision. I had an ultrasound that showed ovarian cysts that led to my first endo surgery. But sometimes endo is in places that just doesn't show up on any kind of scan. It's true that you could have surgery and they don't find any endo, but I think that risk is worth it to know either way. You might also want to get a second opinion, someone who could look at your MRI results to see if they see anything the other doctor missed. I wish you luck and feel free to ask any other questions you have! ~Katrina, Advocate

    1. I hear you. A friend of mine spent years avoiding her own surgery, and believing she had endo. Finally, last year, she had her surgery. She didn't have endo, but a milder, more manageable condition that explained her symptoms. She felt all sorts of things... but she finally had an answer. And that was worth her journey. You are dealing with a lot, and it can be a heavy burden. Go easy on yourself and remember that you know what is best for you, your body and your life experience, no matter the opinions of others. All my love - Jessa F (moderator)

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