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Is anyone on disability due to Endometriosis?

Is anyone on disability due to Endometriosis?

I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis in 2020. I have daily pelvic, anal, abdominal and back pain.It extremely limits me from daily activities even with medication. I applied for disability and was denied.

I took it to court and was just denied by the administrative law judge. Claiming that I my answers weren’t consistent with my answers from when I first applied for disability which was only two answers.
I first applied a year before the court hearing and my lifestyle has changed within that year. I want to appeal it but am afraid it will end in disappointment again. I have other health conditions that aren’t severe but do limit me.I looked into it and I read you can find a way to get disability if your endometriosis is severe. Also during my hearing the vocational expert stated there are no jobs for someone with my health problems but I was still denied.Every time my lawyer tried to speak on my defense the judge would interrupt and say that’s not what we’re discussing or that’s not what I asked.

I will continue to fight this but is there any women out there who were successful with receiving disability due to Endometriosis?

  1. I am not personally on disability, so I can't answer that question. But I did want to say that I'm so sorry you're facing this struggle. I can only imagine how frustrating it is to have a judge deny you support. I hope that someone else will be able to answer your question here, but in the meantime, if you're on Twitter, it would be a good idea to ask the question and use the hashtag #NEISvoid (No End in Sight Void). It's a space where disabled and chronically ill people can ask questions of community members and often there are many answers. You could also try searching for the hashtags #endometriosis and #disability together and see what comes back. I really hope you are able to find a way to get the support you deserve. ~Katrina, Advocate

    1. Thank you so much. I will look into that

  2. I looked back on all of my reports that were submitted to the court and it Turns out the two answers claiming to be inconsistent is false. I never stated I have done the things the judge said I did and I found proof. Right now I have to wait to hear from my lawyer on whether he will still represent me and help me fight my case.

    1. Thanks for your support and I will post updates soon

    2. You're so welcome. I look forward to hearing from you and I hope you get good news. ~Katrina, Advocate

  3. Oh my gosh, , what a tough time! I am so sorry that you are dealing with all of this--the pain, the impact on your life, and the not being heard in court. SO frustrating! I don't have an answer to your question, but just want to say thank you for sharing this story. You are not alone. Please stop by here any time you need a place to be heard. Sending best wishes for your journey! -Audrey ( team)

    1. Thank you for your support

  4. ***Update***
    My lawyer did not respond to my emails and phone calls for almost two weeks. I was stressed and my blood pressure was up. I also have Graves Disease and I cannot be stressed with my condition. I had a severe headache, tremors, and I started having vaginal bleeding as well which was weird because with the medication I am taking I have not had my menstrual or any vaginal bleeding for a year. So I had to try to block the stress to keep from having to go to the emergency room.
    I was able to get in touch with my GYN who sat with me and typed a statement explaining my condition, my pain and my limitations. It was sent to my lawyer and I finally got a response ( I was told he wasn't in the office). My case has been appealed to the Appeals Council and the new medical evidence has been submitted. Now it is a waiting game again.

    Thank you for the advice before. I found some twitter pages focusing on Endometriosis and have found out a lot and gotten plenty of advice.

    1. Thank you so much for the support

    2. of course dear warrior. Here for you <3 Truly hope you have a great week ahead. -Kimberli (team member)

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