Is anyone on disability due to Endometriosis?
I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis in 2020. I have daily pelvic, anal, abdominal and back pain.It extremely limits me from daily activities even with medication. I applied for disability and was denied.
I took it to court and was just denied by the administrative law judge. Claiming that I my answers weren’t consistent with my answers from when I first applied for disability which was only two answers.
I first applied a year before the court hearing and my lifestyle has changed within that year. I want to appeal it but am afraid it will end in disappointment again. I have other health conditions that aren’t severe but do limit me.I looked into it and I read you can find a way to get disability if your endometriosis is severe. Also during my hearing the vocational expert stated there are no jobs for someone with my health problems but I was still denied.Every time my lawyer tried to speak on my defense the judge would interrupt and say that’s not what we’re discussing or that’s not what I asked.
I will continue to fight this but is there any women out there who were successful with receiving disability due to Endometriosis?