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Hi all, I hope you are well.

I have recently been diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis (after years and years, think unfortunately most of us have been there)

My surgeon tried to remove the endo but without success, I was informed my tissues were too friable.

I have now been given two to options. First - medically induced menopause
Second - full hysterectomy to include removal of my ovaries

I have been advised that they think I will still have suffering after a hysterectomy.

Has anyone been through similar please?

Thank you in advance

  1. A total radical Hystorectomy will put you into surgical menapause as well. This is not like natural menapause, this is a sharp change in hormones.
    And unlike keeping your ovaries which will still over time operate and produce some Estorgen, Progestrone and Testostrone, with no ovaries you get nothing except some from Estrogen pathch.
    this can make you feel very flat.

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