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Has anyone tried herbal pills such as Dong Quai and Xi Xian Cao tea?

I am curious to know if anyone has tried these herbal remedies which has claims of improving overall hormone health and aid fallopian tube blockages. I started trying Dong Quai as a 400mg pill daily before sleeping but I noticed that it gave me dull headaches throughout the following day and I would feel very tired. I haven't started on Xi Xian Cao tea yet and I am hoping to know if anyone here has tried these herbal remedies or others and what impact it had on you. Thank you.

  1. I have not tried either of these - so I am sorry I can't be of any help. But I am certainly interested to see if any other of our community members can offer any tips. I have never heard of Dong Quai but I have heard good things about Xi Xian Cao! Something I would definitely be willing to look into more and trying. Definitely keep us posted on how it's going. I would love to know what you think of the tea if you decide to try it. -Kimberli (team member)

    1. I have a vague memory of being on Dong Quai years ago, but I honestly can't remember how I felt on it. One thing I'd suggest, if you're on Twitter, is asking this question there and using the hashtag #NEISvoid. The people who follow that hashtag are incredibly helpful and usually someone will answer. Eastern medicine can be quite helpful, so I hope that one of these remedies is a success for you! ~Katrina, Advocate

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