So I had my consultation with the surgeon. Here are some things that concerned me.
He seemed very rushy.
He said he does vaporization and zaps the endo? I forget the word he used. He said it wasn’t exactly ablation.
He would make two cuts and won’t have a video but will take photos.
He said he will check my organs and uterus and bladder did not mention bowels. He said if it’s bad in my bladder a urologist will have to take it out at a later time.
He said diagnosing endo at early stages can be really tricky. This is what I’m afraid being missed if I do have it!
He said most people need 2 to 3 surgeries through out their life.
He said the chances of pain coming back different from person to person.
He mentioned Lupron a few times. I do not want to do that!
But he did say he did thousands of laparoscopies.
I asked what other conditions it could be and he mentioned IBS or IC (I think I have IC) then mentioned how some women are really sensitive to pain and periods...but I wasn’t always like this the chronic pelvic pain started over a year ago. Granted I always had painful periods but I’m in pain all day every day besides a random day or two out of the month
He also said women feel better when they are pregnant or after metopause but isn’t that a myth???
My surgery is scheduled for September. Advice?