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First Lapro: Dr also recommends hysterectomy

Hi Community. I’m so glad this space is here. Yesterday I had a surgery consult after years of trying to get my endo pain under control and a particularly painful January. My doctor looked at my MRI’s and concluded that if I’m going to have laparoscopic surgery I might consider having my uterus and cervix removed as well due to fibroids that are likely causing heavy bleeding and irregular periods. I’m 45 and not worried about not having a uterus, but all of this feels like such a heavy decision. I was so ready for the initial surgery to see what was going on and to hopefully give some relief but not necessarily ready for this! I’d love to hear from anyone who has had this procedure. Thank you all for your time.

  1. It makes complete sense that this would fee like a heavy decision! I haven't had my uterus and cervix removed, but I did have both ovaries removed and I spent a lot of time weighing that decision. Although I don't know how the longer-term consequences will play out for me (I can't tolerate HRT and there is osteoporosis in my family) I know that I made an excellent decision for my current health because I have experienced great relief from the surgery. I talked with friends, my doctor, folks here, and journaled and meditated on the question. Perhaps coming at the decision from several angles will help you. I wish you so much luck with the decision and please feel free to reach out and keep us posted. ~Katrina, Advocate

    1. I understand that it's a big decision. I had a hysterectomy and my ovaries removed when I was 42. The endo issues had been consuming my life. Since some symptoms mimic those found in ovarian cancer, my doctor and I were both worried we might ignore something we shouldn't. Diving into menopause right after surgery wasn't fun (my husband called my mother and said, "you have to come. She's going crazy!"😉 - but on the whole, it was a good decision for me to make. I didn't do hormone replacement therapy for many reasons. It's been 17 years and I do have some worsening issues - although minor compared to before - due to endometriosis. Perhaps you could do just have the fibroids removed? Search out a second opinion? It's a big decision, and I'm so pleased you are reaching out. Good luck to you in making the best decision for you. - Barb

      1. Barb, just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your story and experience with the community. I know this response will be super helpful. I laughed at your husband calling your mother. I feel like mine would probably do the same thing haha! But I am happy to see that for the most part, it was a good decision for you and that you do feel better than you did. It definitely is a big decision for sure. Thankful for this community and all you amazing warriors in it! Sending you hugs! xo-Kimberli (advocate)

    2. absolutely such a big decision to have to make. And I can understand it weighing heavy. I am
      in the process of deciding to have both of my tubes removed. They are badly damaged and I know because
      of that,they are useless now. But it is still such a scary thing to make a decision to have to get your organs
      out! Whether it does help in the long run or not! So I absolutely get it. With that said, I haven't had my uterus
      or cervix out (however if my tubes come out, those will probably come with it). If you feel 100% ready for it, then
      obviously you know it's time. But I don't think seeking another opinion would hurt either. Also, I have had fibroids before
      as well on my uterus. They just removed the fibroids during one of my surgeries and it truly helped bring so much relief and stopped
      the heavy bleeding. They (knock on wood) haven't grown back since that surgery. So that could maybe be an option for you as well, to
      just get your fibroids removed for now, and any endometriosis or adhesions they found. Instead of your organs!
      But that is definitely at the end of the day something you have to decide. What you feel comfortable with.
      What you are ready for. I will be sending you good thoughts that you find clarity on what you want to do.
      And know you can reach out to us anytime you need. Here for you always <3 -Kimberli (advocate)

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