My diagnosis so far, after a couple of years of chronic pelvic pain, nausea, digestive issues, migraines, mental fog, horrific PMS that can last up to 2 weeks, extreme fatigue, insomnia...etc. is of fibroids and adenomyosis after two MRIs.
No mention of endometryosis has been done , however, I believe my symptoms match endometryosis more than anything else (I have very light periods, but the pain is there). The most bizarre part, probably, is that my symptoms are at their worst outside of my period (the last two weeks of my cycle), which I think nobody fully understands why. As I cannot deal with the side effects of hormonal treatments, surgery has been offered as my only option to improve my quality of life. I have been too scared to get surgery during the last year, but I am now struggling too much, to the point of not being able to work, and spending most days sitting or laying down at home. Anyone here with fibroids as well that can tell me about their experiences? Should I get my laparoscopy done ASAP, or should I find an endo specialist first and get checked further? I am really desperate to find some sort of relief, but I also want to be able to find the best specialist I find before getting surgery. I have no support system, family, neither friends to help.
Thank you all