Hi all, I am pleased to have found a community who support one another and truly understands this debilitating condition. I myself am just getting the ball rolling with my diagnosis. I had an ultra sound confirming nothing scary going on in my pelvis and am now to be referred to gynecology for further tests.
I have all of the classic endo symptoms and have lived with them for years unknowingly and then lately it's become more noticeable (i.e the pains and cramps down my legs). My periods are horrendous and sometimes I could be sick from the cramping - I am kind of use to this however as a mum I am really struggling with the fatigue and my mental health.
I am just wondering how long did it take to be diagnosed? I understand laparoscopy is the preferred method to confirm it. With the way surgery is at the moment I can see it's going to take longer than normal. I am also wondering how you all cope with the fatigue and mental fog? I am struggling each cycle with lack of motivation and then binge eating which directly affects my moods. I think I already have depression and anxiety but I am in a bit of a pit with it and just looking for a light or rough timeline to see when I may have a confirmation as to what's going on. Holding on in there - like many others waiting to find out!
Thanks ladies 😊