I like so so many of you feel like I am stuck in a loop and completely helpless and not sure what to do at this stage. I was diagnosed with Endometriosis three years ago and had a laparoscopy to remove the tissue found on my bladder close to my pelvis. After the surgery I have a range of very strange issues, most paticularly the feeling of a constant UTI (that wasn't ) amongst other ranges of vaginal issues.
Up until about 6 months ago I have been managing with semi painful periods. However for the last 6 months I am absolutely beside myself in pain for 2 weeks out of the month. I suffer from leg pain, pelvic pain, sevre brain fog for about 10 days before my period. About 2 days before I start bleeding I feel like I am losing my mind, I am irritable, lonely, angry, depressed, anxious, don't sleep, barely eat and have no energy and cannot focus, work of socialise. I find it hard to get out of bed.
I have spoken to my GP several times about this and like so many she has suggested to start taking Dienogest 2mg+ Ethinylestradiol 30mcg to see if that will help
I have been hesitant to take any medication or hormones for so long but am now thinking I have no choice.
I have not been back to the gyno or for any further ultrasounds since the initial lapro.
Does anyone have experience with this treatment and can anyone suggest if I should do anything else prior to starting to take this?
I am desperate and lost and not coping with the knowing I am going to be in pain and feeling sick for 2 weeks of every month