I’m 42 and have had endo for 8 years. The pain in the past two years has skyrocketed to extreme bloating and excruciating levels, difficulty urinating and going to the bathroom, pain with walking or any activity, for 2-3 days in the middle of my period. I tried progesterone and that was a disaster- BP went sky high and the following period was unbearable. I was researching a radical hysterectomy. Then I read a small study from ‘04 and tried Bladderwrack once a day for 4 days mid cycle (started 10 days after first day of period), also kept my previous routine of ibuprofen as soon as I started spotting but this time in lower doses (I blacked out last month and don’t know if it was from the endo pain or too much ibuprofen.) Also added a bunch of flax seed to my diet the week before.
SO. Last period? ZERO BLOAT AND ZERO PAIN. Period was a bit heavier but also ended sooner. I literally cried with relief, I mean I know I have to try the same routine again next month to see if it works, but has anyone else had any lasting success with this??