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After effects of lap surgery

Hello, I suffered for 8/9 years before my doctors finally referred me to have the procedure done to which I was then diagnosed. A year on and the pain is coming back full force but I’ve also noticed other things such as weight gain, facial hair, lack of sex drive, struggling to go toliet when I’m on my period. The more I’ve looked into this it seems I could also have Polycystic ovaries aswell. I had scans and test done before the op to check it could be anything else and it came back clear so could it be that the surgery has caused it? Has anyone else has these issues or been diagnosed with Polycystic ovaries after having there op?

  1. I’m sorry to hear you’re having all these issues after surgery. But you’re definitely not alone in this experience. While I’ve never been diagnosed with PCOS, several other community members have. And some have found out from their endocrinologist not their gynecologist. I’m sure they’ll chime in with their thoughts, but I’ll leave you with some articles in case they’re helpful.

    Here are some written by our advocates and editorial team: ;

    Keep us updated on what you find out! - Keri (patient advocate)

    1. I've had similar issues since my last surgery. I had it on 4/20/22 so it's been just over a year. I never got any pain relief, and in fact, I hurt even more than I did to start with. I also gained 20/25 lbs pretty quickly after surgery. I had no changes to my diet or activity level; the weight just randomly piled on and seems to have no "normal" cause. My tummy is extremely sensitive to touch all the time and I've been bloated since initial recovery. I also have bathroom issues. I get shooting pains in my bottom. PCOS has been ruled out several times for me, so I don't think that's the issue. I think it's endo that was either not removed entirely or some growths that were missed altogether. I'm going to see a new specialist in a few weeks for a second opinion. If you're able, I'd recommend you go see someone else, too. <3

      1. hello, I know it’s been a while but wondered if you’ve had any luck? I’m still currently waiting for my second referral which seems to be taking x3 longer than the first time just to even speak to someone

      2. Hi . I hope you get that second referral soon so you can get some relief. Unfortunately, surgery does not allows resolve all symptoms and some people do experience more growth within a year or two of surgery. So it is important to have a doctor who really listens. I hope gets back to you. I'd like to know how she is doing as well. Thinking of you and wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. I had recurring pain, lack of sex drive, bathroom issues and weight fluctuation after all but the last endo surgery I had. After the first three, the issues returned within three months or so. I agree that getting a second opinion might be the right route. Sometimes it is quite an odyssey to get a correct diagnosis. I wish you well! ~Katrina, Advocate

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