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Hey I was just wondering a couple things, firstly I wondered if any one knew what tertiary unit meant? My doctor said due to level of endometriosis it may have to be referred to tertiary unit? Also another thing I was wondering is is anyone ever had hip pain when going to the toilet ? I’ve been having really bad hip pain wheneber I go to the toilet recently.

  1. Hi there! I can’t say for sure what your doctor meant. But a tertiary unit usually refers to specialized care. In this case, it might mean another OB/GYN or team of doctors with more experience treating endometriosis than whoever you first saw.

    In regards to your hip pain, I get that a lot on my right side. Causes for me include scar tissue (that’s been removed more than once), muscle/tendon inflammation around the joint, pelvic floor tension, and structural issues. In short, it can be from a lot of things! That’s definitely something worth asking your doctor or a pelvic floor specialist about! - Keri ( team member)

    1. I agree with Keri...tell your doctor about the hip pain. I have had left hip pain for years and it was definitely related to endo, and likely now scar tissue. ~Katrina, Advocate

      1. hi there! Just wanted to chime in. I have never heard the term tertiary unit before but my guess is they want to refer you to someone who is more specialized in endometriosis, like an endometriosis specialist. As for the hip pain, I do get that a lot. For me, the pain has been caused by so many different things, endo, fibroids, hernias, so I definitely suggest talking to your doctor about the pain. Hoping you do get some answers and relief dear warrior. How have you been feeling lately? -Kimberli (advocate)

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