The Unbelievable Truth
I just am happy to have a place to share my story. I started at 11 and was always irregular but in 2012, my whole life changed slowly. I was on my period from 2012 to 2017 with not even a day break. I went to OB/GYN after OB/GYN. I had blood transfusions, I got so weak I couldn’t pick my own arms up to wash my hair or stand in the shower for that matter. The mental and physical pain got to be more then I could handle. I still suffer from the repercussions of it. I finally found a doctor to diagnose me and give me hormone treatments. I still have pain and irregular period and I’ve also gained so much weight and I have to have physical therapy but I’m glad to not bleed everyday. I'd like to note I refused a hysterectomy.
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