Magical Yeticorn Status

For 2 decades, I suffered from indescribable pain, which was left undiagnosed in the military due to lack of “belief” in my symptoms.

Shortly after retiring, a urologist documented a missing Essure coil and I was sent into urgent surgery for retrieval.

During laparotomy surgery, the surgeon discovered my Essure coils migrated through my Fallopian tubes, into my uterus, into my cecum and into my abdominal apron. During the procedure, stage 4 DIE was discovered in my abdominal cavity and a portion of lesions were strangling my intestines.

Radical hysterectomy, double oopherectomy and bowel resection still didn’t alleviate my pain, symptoms or quality of life.

It hasn't stopped there

Now 4 years post radical hysterectomy, 2 years post double oopherectomy and after a series of excisions, medications and surgery...the endometriosis continues to spread.

Due to the complications of my diagnosis (Essure migration, Pubic symphysis diastasis, deep-infiltrating endometriosis, breast cancer, etc) there is no viable treatment options as I move forward other than to watch and maintain vigilance.

It has wrecked havoc on my entire life

I’ve lost my career, my family, my friends, my dignity and my hope as I wait and watch for the endometriosis to continually spread to my thoracic, diaphragm, spinal column and brain.

But I hope my journey helps another through their’s...because no one should have to continually live in suffering.

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