Keep Finding the RIGHT Specialist That Takes You Serious

Here comes a long and painful personal report of my latest 9 months and my disappointing experience with MANY physicians.

I find it extremely important to share this story with as many women I can reach out, that are silently suffering from pelvic pain and has ENDOMETRIOSES on the back of their heads.

I was scared but needed to do this for myself

After already 4 months of pelvic pain and another Gyno has indicated I needed a laparoscopy to investigate my pelvic pain, there was little to no explanation of what was endo and the procedure. Little did I know I shouldn't have run away, however, I was scared and seemed like I wasn't explained the situation. After having been referred to Urologists, Gastros, and back and forth to Gyno, I decided to find myself a well-rated clinic that had endometrioses in their core. I bumped into Miss Claire and Associates website which had an endometrioses feature and thought they would be able to bring some hope to my mysterious pain.

My first experience meeting with a doctor about my endo

I send an email and explained my situation, asked for a recommendation to pelvic pain. They referred me to a female doctor. She did an ultrasound and exams right away, and couldn't see anything. I was relieved but also sad at the same time. She mentioned trying to remove my Mirena, which could be causing pain. I did, 2 months later I was in worst pain. I couldn't work, I couldn't leave the bed. Asked to get an emergency appointment with her, she would only have available in 1 month. Asked again and again. They scheduled me with a different female doctor. She said I should take the contraceptive pill and come back in 3 months. But I was in the most horrible pain. After every consultation I would go home crying with no answers and reassurance that something was really wrong. After going to A&E, I asked to see my original female doctor again, they managed to get my a phone appointment and couldn't take anymore and asked her if I should do a laparoscopy. She said it was unlikely I would find something but we COULD schedule. I felt like I was making that decision for me, although no one would.

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I didn't feel supported

What happened next is that waited next to the phone as they said someone named Sarah would get in contact with me regarding the procedure. I followed up and apparently this person was really busy, there was one day Sarah on the phone said ' I will tell her, she is here... Oh sorry she is leaving for lunch.' During this wait I was in extreme pain, nervous, anxious and just needing someone to look after me.
After a whole week of waiting, several calls and emails, I finally get a blunt response through email from them saying my original doctor would be able to do a laparoscopy in a month's time.
I would only cry at this point, because it took a whole week to know that I would need to wait more a month and horrible pain and NO one even bothered to check on me.
I contested how frustrated I was and disappointed with the wait, Sarah again was blunt. I decided I needed to move on and do things for me, since no one was willing to help me. I said I would find another specialist, at no moment after that, Sarah or their team helped me, regardless my desperation.

When two qualified doctors say two very different things

I did more research and more and more. I found 2 doctors. One of them told me I would have 10% of chance of finding I have endo. And then I found a male doctor who was the MAIN endo specialist. On the day after I had an appointment with him, he reassured of the pain and that he was 90% sure it was endo just by my history and I needed Laparoscopy as soon as possible. For the first time in 9 months, I felt listened to and reassured. Now, it has been 6 days since my laparoscopy after they found plenty of endo tissue in my bowel, I am doing fine and finally got some answer.

You must fight for yourself!

I just want to resonate my experience for the other women out there. You are not alone, listen to your body and seek answers no matter what. If you don't get it, keep fighting for yourself.

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