How We Celebrated (and Navigated) New Year's Eve Last Year

Jessica has endometriosis, and Chris is her partner. Together, they find ways to manage the condition and support each other through its challenges.

Did you celebrate New Year's Eve together and how do you navigate endometriosis at this time?

From Jessica:
Last year, yes, we spent New Year's together. I actually think we’ve only spent one or two New Year’s Eves together in our six years as a couple. We have separate friendship groups and Chris isn’t too big on New Year's Eve celebrations, so in non-COVID circumstances, I tend to celebrate with my friends and he goes and sees his group too.

I quite like this set up, as we have different approaches to celebrating. In the past, my friends and I have gone to parties, but in recent years we tend to do more spiritual celebrations and set goals, and envision the year ahead – this calmer setting really helps me manage my endo and still enjoy myself.

Since my endo has played a bigger role in my life, I’ve stopped drinking alcohol on New Year’s Eve – maybe I’ll have a glass or two at the very most. I also tend to ensure I can get home, so that I’m comfortable and have what I need with me – though if I am staying out, I make sure I’m staying with someone who knows about my struggle with endometriosis and can support me if need be. I also take out some of my go-to pain relief tools.

In order to feel good, I have to work really hard on my health, so I try to put in place as many practices as I can to ensure I start January 1st feeling well. That might be a yoga class the night before, healthy food, avoiding sugar, being with people I trust and love and generally ensuring that I am doing what I can to nourish my body, even if I am staying up later than normal.

In the past, when we’ve celebrated together, Chris and I have gone to see close family and friends, enjoying really wonderful conversation and food, and we have also spent one New Year’s Eve creating a decadent Persian feast! I think for me, I just love to spend New Year’s Eve talking, enjoying food and nurturing myself and the people I love. That way, if I’m tired the next day, at least I’m not drained!

From Chris:
Last New Year's Eve coincided with Jess having a flare up, so that kinda of made our plans up for us! It was a nourishing and restful night and like Jess said, lots of goal-setting and preparing for the year to come.

Avoiding alcohol is probably the biggest difference between how we celebrate New Year's Eve compared to people not dealing with endo. Alcohol tends to be a big part of New Year's Eve celebrations, and also a big trigger for Jess' endo pain so she avoids it, and I tend to join her.

I've now really re-evaluated how I want to spend New Year's Eve and see it more as preparation for the year to come than a party. This started because of endometriosis, but like a lot of things that help manage endometriosis symptoms, has been really beneficial to my own life.

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