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What Natural Interventions Worked for Endometriosis Flares?

I want to know what tools people use to manage pain? It's always good to have a strong list of options when the pain hits.
Here are some I use on the regular:
-Tens Machine
-CBD drops under the tongue
-Topical THC cream
-Raspberries/Dark Chocolate
-My dog
-Heating Pad

  1. Those are all fantastic remedies. I adore my TENS unit, best purchase ever. And I also have a dog that likes to spoon (he is tiny) whenever I am not well. His breathing is soothing, his fur super soft, and just the fact that he knows I am not OK and accepts it without judgment makes me feel comforted 😀 – Jessie (team member)

    1. hi! Thank you for sharing the remedies you use! I would have to say I use most of those as well and find them so very helpful. My TENS unit is certainly my baby. May I ask, what is Moxa!? -Kimberli (team member)

      1. Thank you so much for sharing these! I definitely find comfort in my two cats. I also love my weighted blanket, mediation — I used the Headspace app — my caffeine-free chai rooibos tea, and yoga mixed with pelvic floor exercises. Wishing you well today! - Keri ( team member)

        1. Hi ! Oh goodness, when I am experiencing pain, sometimes the best thing in the world (for my pain) is when my senior cat does that kneading on my belly. She'll do that like almost knows something doesn't feel right and then she'll just lay there and do the deepest purr. It's the most comforting feeling in the world! My 85 lb dog on the other hand doesn't really care what is going on as long as it's a party lol. Great recommendations you left - never tried chai rooibos tea but am going to! 💛 Kayleigh, team

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